Past Welcome Messages from Chairperson

2022 – 2023

Friends of Bruchsal Society Chairman Anthony Bird
Councillor Anthony Bird
Chairperson 2022-2023
“From the outset the reasons for twinning between Cwmbran and Bruchsal seem obvious, both are industrial towns, both have a comparable population size and similar demographics, but what may not be so apparent is the friendships that this pairing has engendered. I can’t begin to describe the sheer number of stories and anecdotes I’ve been regaled with by residents of Cwmbran who have nothing but the fondest memories of their time in Bruchsal or when our German counterparts came to visit. Memories of choir concerts, school exchanges, sporting events and bus tours, great memories of sightseeing and good food, good friends and fun times.”
“As we move forward with the Friends of Bruchsal Society, this is what we want to create again for whole new generations of people here in Cwmbran, we want to be creating memories that last a lifetime, we want to see rugby and football matches across the continent, we want to send out bands and choirs across the sea to sing their hearts out in the true Welsh style, and we want our friends in Germany to always feel welcome in our valley. “
“And that really is what the society is all about; about reaching out across borders, across languages, across cultures, building on similarities and embracing each other’s differences in the hope building a truly lasting of friendship.”